More Milk Tea

Mothers More Milk Tea To Support Lactation

Support Lactation Naturally

What is More Milk Tea?

This tea blend is a wonderful mix of natural and organic plant material -helping those who feed baby naturally. Nursing tea may contain a single plant herb or a combination of herbs that work together to support lactation and breast milk production. Also, lactation teas are one of the most common blends for people who desire to boost their milk supply.

Benefits of a lactation tea

Many have seen an increase in milk supply after drinking lactation teas. Those who drank 2 to 4 cups of tea per day saw a boost, or an increase in pumping output of anywhere from 1 ounce to 3 ounces. With research, there is some evidence that the herbal fenugreek may increase milk production, especially when taken in the first weeks postpartum. That said, the research also suggests that other supplemental herbals did as well. Furthermore, the tea herbals actually contain vitamins and minerals for health benefits.

Mothers ~ More Milk Tea ~ Midwives Blend

Mothers More Milk Tea ~ By Midwives Blend
Mothers More Milk Tea ~ By Midwives Blend

Drinking tea should be a pleasant experience. That’s why we offer two unique blends for those who have an innate approach, or that specific acquired taste. As example we share two traditional mix ideas here:

  • Fresh & Mild -is our most popular mix! We blend together fenugreek, blessed thistle, lemongrass leaf, lemon verbena leaf, spearmint leaf, chamomile, red raspberry leaf.
  • Sassy & Bold -is for those who like spice! We blend together fenugreek, blessed thistle, fennel, anise, alfalfa leaf, red raspberry leaf. The herbals fennel, anise taste sweet and spicy, with a distinct licorice-like flavor.

Explore ~ Blend ~ Brew ~ Enjoy

Explore herbals to make your own tea blend

Mothers -More Milk Tea Brew
More Milk Tea Brew

Listed are several herbals that have been traditionally used as galactagogues, or milk-making aids. For a do it yourself (DIY) mix, combine several for your own unique blend. Next, once you’ve decided on your organic herbal mix, you can it store in a sealed glass container. That way it’s pre-made and ready for later use.

Organic ingredients such as bitter fennel fruit, anise fruit, coriander fruit can be added to blend. In addition, some common herbals to choose from; blessed thistle, spearmint leaf, lemongrass leaf, lemon verbena leaf, and marshmallow root. Lastly, some of the herbals have a strong flavor and are best mixed within a milder blend. Also, keep in mind the amount of herbals you add, and the longer you steep your blend the bolder the taste.

Next, with the iIllustration here you can see an all-in-one tea brewing system. From brewing, straining, and then drinking from the same double thermal glass. This is both convenient and great for travel. Also, it can be your very own personal brewing system!

Common milk-making aids to choose from:

More Milk Tea ~ Midwives Blend
More Milk Tea ~ Midwives Blend
  • Fenugreek -contains potassium, vitamin C, and diosgenin which is the compound that is helpful to milk supply with breastfeeding. Studies show suggestive amount to be near 3500 mg of Fenugreek a day for it to be effective. When brewed as tea it has a taste, reminiscent of maple syrup -slightly sweet.
  • Blessed Thistle -has been used for ages with a variety of herbals to stimulate the release of prolactin, which increases the production of breast milk, and oxytocin.
  • Coriander -helps to promote lactation. It’s rich in vitamin B-complex, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, copper, magnesium, zinc, dietary fiber and it contains antioxidant properties.
  • Fennel -seeds contains a plant phytoestrogen called anethole. It mimics the properties of the hormone estrogen, which is essential for increased secretion of milk. For ages it has been used for a variety of medical purposes including lactation in mothers. Fennel is also high in vitamin C, iron, folate, and can help improve digestion. Also, adding fennel to nursing tea may help with digestive struggles of a colic baby by passing through to the milk.
  • Anise -seeds contain anethole, which is a plant phytoestrogen. This means like Fennel Seed, it also has estrogen-like effects. It’s commonly used to treating menstrual cramps, increasing sex drive, treat clogged ducts in the breast and to increase milk supply.
  • Lemongrass Leaf -research has shown that as an galactagogue, lemongrass can increase and support milk supply.
  • Lemon Verbena Leaf -has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, also galactagogue properties that help increase and support milk supply.
  • Dill Seeds –galactagogue properties are due to their high nutrient content. These seeds contain nutrients of magnesium, iron, calcium and flavonoids. However, dill seeds contain essential oil rich in carvone and limonene, also trans-anethole.

Blend herbals that offer benefits and added taste:

Tea Time -Organic More Milk Tea -By Midwives Blend
Tea Time -Organic Blend
  • Chamomile -high levels of the antioxidant apigenin which has calming properties that have been known to help with sleep and anxiety.
  • Spearmint Leaf -helpful balancing hormones, also soothing for digestive issues of stomach pain and colic in infants.
  • Marshmallow Root -traditionally it’s purported as a galactagogue, however no clinical trials support this.
  • Red Raspberry leaf -has a sweet taste making it good to blend with other herbals. It’s a powerhouse of vitamins, minerals, that increases the quality of breast milk. Also, it’s great postpartum to help return the uterus to its pre-birth size.
  • Alfalfa Leaf -supports milk supply with vitamins A, C, E, and K4 & contains the highest chlorophyll content of any plant.

Enjoy your tea served sweet, hot or chilled

Some like their tea sweet and add a dollop of honey. While others prefer raw agave, stevia drops, or just a sprinkle of cinnamon. In addition, some have used a cinnamon stick in the cup of hot tea.

Hot brew tea is warming in cool weather, and iced tea is refreshing in hot temperatures. Some avid tea drinkers have had creative ideas after the initial brew. For those who like hot tea, you could brew the sassy and bold herbal blend. Then add that to hot apple cider. Moreover, some just add milk and dollop of honey to the hot brew.

~ Tea time should be a time to just sit back and enjoy! ~

Midwives Blend Logo

Next, if you prefer cold tea, brew up our fresh and mild blend. Then try adding it to cold lemon-aid, or add a sprig of lemon zest with ice. The ideas are endless, and again it’s about your preference. Furthermore, you may be surprised how much you will want to drink tea.

Support Lactation Naturally with More Milk Tea by Midwives Blend
Support Lactation Naturally

Other suggestions for lactation support:

Visit a link listing 20 ideas that may help

Foods to help build milk supply

Consult with your healthcare practitioner before consuming any herbal or plant product. If you have allergies to plants it is best to avoid this natural modality altogether.

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