Peri-Massage Oil

Peri-Massage Oil -Birth Preparation. Perineal Massage

What Is Peri-Massage Oil?

Peri-Massage Oil ~ Blend Process

Midwives Blend of perineal massage oil is a soothing mixture of beneficial oils that nourish, protect and support skin elasticity. This blend of natural oils is used in massage -to encourage the skin around your perineum to stretch more easily for birth. Amazingly, our Peri-Massage Oil can be used to prep before birth, and far after to soften scar tissue. This unique mixture of oils has a special aroma and feel -leaving skin smooth and supple.

 Ultimately, this is a boujee way to birth prep your lady parts. 

Why you should try perineal massage before your birth

Perineal massage can help reduce the risk of perineal tears -lacerations. Research shows that overall 90 percent of first-time birthers, and 70 percent subsequent birthers will have some form of trauma to their perineal area -such as tearing. Learning how to stretch the perineum area through perineal massage gives you the chance of experiencing less trauma, and a smoother recovery. This guide will teach you how to do perineal massage to help reduce the risk of tearing.

Anatomy Model DIY  Peri-Massage
Perineal Area of Anatomical Model

Next, a peri-massage main focus is on the perineal area as shown here in illustration. Notice, we point between the vaginal opening and the anus -where the aim is stretching the perineum and making it more elastic.

Equally important, massage can help prepare you for the sensations that can happen with tissue stretching during the birth process. This intense sensation with stretch is actually known as the ring of fire -as baby’s head emerges. Therefore, recognizing this feeling can help you to know when to pause, and breath -thus allowing a slow stretch as baby emerges.

Midwives Blend ~ Peri-Massage oil

Perineal Massage ~ Preparation for Birth
Midwives Blend

We invite you to enjoy our all-natural, beneficial and luxe way to support your perineal area. Several infused oils, plus select essential oils, are blended into an sweet almond oil base. Combined in the Almond oil is Calendula oil, St. Johns Wort oil, and Vitamin E oil. Each oil adds benefit and value to the blend.

Next, we add drops of the essential oils; Helichrysum, Geranium, Sandalwood, and Roman chamomile. In addition, our oil blend comes in a dropper bottle so that it’s easy to add to a carrier oil for further dilution. Start by adding 1-2 droppers to one ounce of your carrier oil.

Moreover, for those with extreme sensitivity we offer the blend without essential oils. Blending only Almond oil and Vitamin E. Finally, as with all blends we recommend patch testing prior to full use.

When should you start perineal massage?

Perineal massage can be done three times weekly for 5 minutes, beginning when you are 34 weeks pregnant until labor. This guide will teach you how to do perineal massage to help reduce the risk of tearing. If you have scar tissue from a prior birth you may desire to massage more often to soften up area. Furthermore, either you -or your partner can do perineal massage together. If solo, use a mirror for the first few times so you can see what you are doing.

As a caution it’s best NOT to do a massage when:

  • A possibility your amniotic sac of waters has ruptured, and leaking.
  • If you think you may have a vaginal, or perineal area infection.
  • You have a prior history of skin sensitivities, especially to specialty oils.
  • It’s post birth and your vaginal -perineal area has trauma that is still healing.

How to do perineal massage:

Gather Supplies ~ Perineal Massage
Gather Supplies ~ Perineal Massage

Gather what you may need for massage such as your favorite oil blend, towel and a mirror. After washing your hands with soap and water, settle into position in a comfortable place. For most semi-sitting is easier, while others prefer standing -raising one leg for access. Prepare to be as comfortable and relaxed as possible by using pillows or cushions for support. Place a towel under you to prevent oil cleanup.

Once in position, if semi-sitting bring your knees together and upward towards your chest and then open your knees like a butterfly. Next, apply a small amount of Peri-Massage Oil on your perineum, and thumbs for comfort during massage. Using your thumbs, insert them one and half inch into your vagina, while placing your forefingers on the skin of your perineum.

If it’s partner massage, have them use both hands -gently inserting index and middle fingers starting on either side into the vagina. Start out gentle, while communicating the tingle stretch sensation feeling to your partner. It should not painful and hurt.

Anatomy Model DIY  Peri-Massage
Two Thumb Method
~ Peri-Massage

Gently stretch this skin by pressing downwards towards your anus and to the sides, and upward until you feel a slight tingling, stretching sensation. Keeping that pressure, hold the stretch for a minute or two. Lastly, move thumbs (fingers with partner massage) from side to side in a U-shaped motion on perineum and lower vagina. 

Over time, as your birth nears, you will notice an increase in stretchiness in the perineum area.

Oils to explore for a (DIY) blend:

Midwives Blend Logo

Traditionally midwives have passed down perineal oil ideas for years. The following base oils are helpful for use, and contain essentials to help nourish, protect, and support skin elasticity. Explore some of the benefits of oils for a do it yourself (DIY) peri-massage blend:

  • Almond oil -is antibacterial, full of vitamin A, also highly emollient helping to balance the absorption of moisture and water loss. Helpful with scars.
  • Vitamin E oil -is moisturizing and softening, also strengthens the skin barrier.
  • Olive oil -exhibits antibacterial properties, and when applied to the delicate perineal area, it helps protect and moisturize the skin. 
  • Sunflower oil -helps promotes skin hydration and protect your skin barrier. Having fatty acids help support your skin surface firmness makes it less likely to give way.
  • St. John’s wort oil -has powerful flavonoids, also anti-inflammatory effect. Soothes and heals with it’s elastin-promoting effect that’s helpful with scars.
  • Calendula oil -is great for it’s anti-inflammatory properties, helps soothe the perineal area, while promoting skin’s natural healing.
  • Grape seed oil -contains astringent which helps to tone and tighten your skin, by closing pores. May be helpful post birth peri-massage.

Explore essential oils to add:

Peri-massage oil blends may have essential oils for stretch massage. Essential oils are potent natural extracts derived from plants -with healing properties. They must be diluted in a base carrier oil to prevent skin sensitivity reaction. Even more importantly, if you are concerned about an oil sensitivity then don’t use it. Having a general book on essential oils for reference is a good idea, or call your care provider. A good book to start out with called: The Essential Life

  • Geranium
  • Frankincense
  • Roman chamomile
  • Sandalwood
  • Helichrysum 

Things you can do to reduce chances of tearing during birth:

DISCLAIMER: All Holistic Methods post are not meant to treat an illness or disease. If you have concerns consult your doctor before application of any plant, oil matter, essential oil or other listed ingredient, or ideas. If you have skin sensitivities it’s best to test an area before full exposure, or skip all natural modalities in care. External use only -do not ingest.

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