Natural Soap

Natural Soap For Pregnancy & Baby By Midwives Blend

Natural soap for pregnancy & baby

Natural Soap By Midwives Blend
Chamomile & Honey Soap

Each natural organic soap bar gently brightens and moisturizes your pregnant body, and your baby’s delicate skin, with nature’s most precious elements. In addition, it’s nice your skin can benefit without exposing yourself to harsh chemicals or ingredients. It’s simply clean by nature.

Midwives Blend Soap can be a treat for your skin & senses. Knowing the benefits of a natural soap such as with organic goat’s milk, it will be a vitamin A rich soap. Also coconut oil, or shea butter will moisturize and hydrate. Moreover, we like the smooth sweet bar of calendula & honey, or a bar with a hint-scent of lavender for baby. Each batch is unique, and around while supplies last. Therefore, if you like it -we recommend you stock up!

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It’s nice to use this specialty soap during pregnancy to help with itchy -stretching skin. Also, during postpartum it helps to alleviate dryness on your baby’s delicate skin. Finally as a parent, it’s comforting to have a natural way of cleansing, and moisturizing without drying baby’s skin further.

When you plan to make a DIY natural soap

As a do it yourself project at home you may find several creative ways how to make soap. These may include methods such as: cold or hot process, liquid soap making, melt-and-pour, and re-batching. You can study different methods to see which would be best for you. Keep in mind opting for a 100% handmade method requires handling of lye, and wearing protective equipment to avoid contact with the chemical mixing process. The best site that I found explaining differences, with pro’s and con’s in soap making is listed here on: 7 Ways How to Make Soap

Why use natural ingredients?

Natural Soap For Pregnancy & Baby By Midwives Blend

We know mothers who have as a choice, would prefer to use something natural and organic. Whats more, this is why we seek out organic ingredients to make speciality items offered through our practice. While some things are made by special order, and shipped to us. Moreover, this is with the intention to offer organic, for our natural minded mamas and babies.

During the course of pregnancy, birth and postpartum, we are happy to introduce a natural approach to self care. This is so that you have an opportunity to try different holistic methods.

To learn more about having a natural approach to care please explore our other blog post. Also, if you are local to the Dallas area then reach out to us. If you like our natural approach -we would be happy to register into our care!

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